Iconify for designers
For designers, Iconify ecosystem offers several ways to easily import icons in various design tools.
Available options:
- Figma users can install Iconify plug-in for Figma.
- Penpot users can install Iconify plug-in for Penpot.
- Sketch users can install Iconify plugin-in for Sketch.
- For other design tools, or if you are experiencing issues with plug-ins listed above, you can copy and paste SVG from one of sources listed below.
Browse icons
You can browse and search more than 60k open source icons at one of the following websites:
- Iconify icon sets - official website.
- Icones - alternative website created by Anthony Fu.
Find icon you want, select it, copy SVG to clipboard, paste it to your favorite design tool.
Possible issues:
- Some design tools do not support currentColor. Set icon color to black before copying code sample.
- Almost all image editing software do not support SVG 2 animations. Animated icons will be imported without animations, sometimes rendered weirdly.