Converting SVG to mask
This function is part of icon manipulation functions in Iconify Tools.
Function convertSVGToMask() converts icon content to an alpha mask and masks a rectangle that has the same dimensions as icon's viewBox.
This function is intended to be used in two scenarios:
- When changing icon with multiple colors to a monotone icon, using different shades for different colors.
- When fixing badly designed icon, which has white shapes instead of transparent parts.
How masks work
Masks help in a situation when there are multiple shapes, some of which should be solid, some transparent. Image in a mask is treated as an alpha channel for shape that is being masked.
Color in shapes is treated as an alpha channel: white (255) has opacity of 1, black (0) has opacity of 0. Other colors are converted to alpha channel by combining their red, green and blue channels are dividing it by 255*3.
For example, this icon has multiple shapes with different colors (using black background to make sure white shapes are visible):
Here is the same icon used as a mask for rectangle, rendered using various colors:
Code used to create this sample is available below in the examples section, in "Converting as is" demo.
Function has the following parameters:
- svg, SVG. Icon instance.
- options, object. Optional options.
Function returns true on success, false if icon was not converted to mask.
False result
When can function fail to convert icon to mask?
- If icon contains unexpected color(s). Make sure all colors are handled by solid, transparent and/or custom options.
- If there is nothing to mask (icon has one color) and force option is not enabled. Use parseColors to change color in such icons.
Options is an object with the following optional properties:
- id, string. Mask id, default value is "mask".
- force, boolean. If enabled, forces function to apply mask even if there is nothing to mask.
- color, string. Color to fill mask, default value is "#000".
To tell function which colors should be treated as solid, transparent or semi-transparent, use the following options:
- solid, string|string[]|function. Solid colors: string, array of strings or a callback.
- transparent, string|string[]|function. Transparent colors: string, array of strings or a callback.
- custom, function. Callback that should return mask color or opacity for a color found in icon.
By default, black color is considered to be solid, white color is considered to be transparent (opposite of how masks work, but exactly how most bugged icons are designed), all other colors found in an icon will cause function to fail.
When using custom option, you might want to disable default values for solid and transparent options if custom does not handle unknown colors. To do that, set them to empty arrays.
Solid and transparent
solid and transparent can be:
- string, such as "#fff"
- string[], such as ["#fff", "black"]
- function, which takes color string as parameter and returns true (if color should be solid/transparent) or false (if color should not be solid/transparent)
Color values and color passed to callback are always in lower case. So, if your icon uses "#FFF", check for "#fff".
custom property is used when both solid and transparent return false.
It is a function with 2 parameters:
- Color as string, in lower case, such as "#fff".
- Color as Color instance.
Function can return:
- Color as string, such as "#fff" for solid shapes, "#000" for transparent shapes, any other valid color for semi-transparent shapes.
- Opacity as number between 0 and 1. Function will convert opacity returned by callback to a grayscale color.
Default values for solid and transparent properties might interfere with custom property, so set them to either an empty array or a callback that always returns false.
The following examples show how to use function.
Fix black/white
This example fixes badly designed icons, which use black color for solid shapes, white color for transparent shapes.
Such icons are widespread in icon sets available in Figma community resources: designers use white background for pages and don't notice that shapes contain white colors because outside of an icon background is also white.
import { SVG, convertSVGToMask } from '@iconify/tools';
const svg = new SVG(
`<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M14 4H10C6.22876 4 4.34315 4 3.17157 5.17157C2.32803 6.01511 2.09185 7.22882 2.02572 9.25H21.9743C21.9082 7.22882 21.672 6.01511 20.8284 5.17157C19.6569 4 17.7712 4 14 4Z" fill="black"/>
<path d="M10 20H14C17.7712 20 19.6569 20 20.8284 18.8284C22 17.6569 22 15.7712 22 12C22 11.5581 22 11.142 21.9981 10.75H2.00189C2 11.142 2 11.5581 2 12C2 15.7712 2 17.6569 3.17157 18.8284C4.34315 20 6.22876 20 10 20Z" fill="black"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.25 16C5.25 15.5858 5.58579 15.25 6 15.25H10C10.4142 15.25 10.75 15.5858 10.75 16C10.75 16.4142 10.4142 16.75 10 16.75H6C5.58579 16.75 5.25 16.4142 5.25 16Z" fill="white"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.75 16C11.75 15.5858 12.0858 15.25 12.5 15.25H14C14.4142 15.25 14.75 15.5858 14.75 16C14.75 16.4142 14.4142 16.75 14 16.75H12.5C12.0858 16.75 11.75 16.4142 11.75 16Z" fill="white"/>
// Convert to mask, converting black color to solid, white to transparent (default options)
// Output result
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none">
<mask id="mask">
<path d="M14 4H10C6.22876 4 4.34315 4 3.17157 5.17157C2.32803 6.01511 2.09185 7.22882 2.02572 9.25H21.9743C21.9082 7.22882 21.672 6.01511 20.8284 5.17157C19.6569 4 17.7712 4 14 4Z" fill="#fff"/>
<path d="M10 20H14C17.7712 20 19.6569 20 20.8284 18.8284C22 17.6569 22 15.7712 22 12C22 11.5581 22 11.142 21.9981 10.75H2.00189C2 11.142 2 11.5581 2 12C2 15.7712 2 17.6569 3.17157 18.8284C4.34315 20 6.22876 20 10 20Z" fill="#fff"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.25 16C5.25 15.5858 5.58579 15.25 6 15.25H10C10.4142 15.25 10.75 15.5858 10.75 16C10.75 16.4142 10.4142 16.75 10 16.75H6C5.58579 16.75 5.25 16.4142 5.25 16Z" fill="#000"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.75 16C11.75 15.5858 12.0858 15.25 12.5 15.25H14C14.4142 15.25 14.75 15.5858 14.75 16C14.75 16.4142 14.4142 16.75 14 16.75H12.5C12.0858 16.75 11.75 16.4142 11.75 16Z" fill="#000"/>
<rect mask="url(#mask)" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor"/>
If instead of black color, icon is designed using another color, such as "#1C274C", add it to solid option in lower case:
convertSVGToMask(svg, {
solid: ['#000', 'black', '#1c274c']
Converting as is
This example masks an icon without changing any colors. It is used to create mask sample used at the beginning of this page:
import { SVG, convertSVGToMask } from '@iconify/tools';
const svg = new SVG(
`<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
<path d="M6.5 20C4.98 20 3.68333 19.4767 2.61 18.43C1.53667 17.3767 1 16.0933 1 14.58C1 13.28 1.39 12.12 2.17 11.1C2.95667 10.08 3.98333 9.43 5.25 9.15C5.67 7.61667 6.50333 6.37667 7.75 5.43C9.00333 4.47667 10.42 4 12 4C13.9533 4 15.6067 4.68 16.96 6.04C18.32 7.39333 19 9.04667 19 11C20.1533 11.1333 21.1067 11.6333 21.86 12.5C22.62 13.3533 23 14.3533 23 15.5C23 16.7533 22.5633 17.8167 21.69 18.69C20.8167 19.5633 19.7533 20 18.5 20" fill="white"/>
<path d="M6.5 18H18.5C19.2 18 19.79 17.7567 20.27 17.27C20.7567 16.79 21 16.2 21 15.5C21 14.8 20.7567 14.21 20.27 13.73C19.79 13.2433 19.2 13 18.5 13H17V11C17 9.62 16.5133 8.44 15.54 7.46C14.5667 6.48667 13.3867 6 12 6C10.62 6 9.44 6.48667 8.46 7.46C7.48667 8.44 7 9.62 7 11H6.5C5.53333 11 4.71 11.3433 4.03 12.03C3.34333 12.71 3 13.5333 3 14.5C3 15.4667 3.34333 16.3 4.03 17C4.71 17.6667 5.53333 18 6.5 18Z" fill="#444"/>
<circle cx="19" cy="19" r="5" fill="red"/>
<path d="M18 16H20V18H22V20H20V22H18V20H16V18H18V16Z" fill="white"/>
// Convert to mask without changing any colors, use them as an alpha channel
convertSVGToMask(svg, {
// Set rectangle color to currentColor
color: 'currentColor',
// Use custom option, returning color as is
custom: (color) => color,
// Output result
Demo of this icon is available above in "How masks work" section.
Multiple colors
Sometimes icons are designed with multiple colors. This function can be used to convert them to monotone icons, using different colors as solid, semi-transparent or transparent colors.
This can be done using custom option.
Example (using gray background for original icon to make sure both black and white shapes are visible):
The following code converts icon to monotone icon, rendering black shapes as solid, blue and white as different semi-transparent:
import { SVG, convertSVGToMask } from '@iconify/tools';
const svg = new SVG(
`<svg xmlns="" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 48 48">
<g fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="4">
<path fill="#2F88FF" stroke="#000" d="M44.0001 24C44.0001 35.0457 35.0458 44 24.0001 44C18.0266 44 4.00006 44 4.00006 44C4.00006 44 4.00006 29.0722 4.00006 24C4.00006 12.9543 12.9544 4 24.0001 4C35.0458 4 44.0001 12.9543 44.0001 24Z"/>
<path stroke="#fff" d="M14 18L32 18"/>
<path stroke="#fff" d="M14 26H32"/>
<path stroke="#fff" d="M14 34H24"/>
// Convert to mask
convertSVGToMask(svg, {
// Treat black as solid
solid: '#000',
// No transparent colors
transparent: [],
// Custom opacity for other colors
custom: (color) => {
switch (color) {
case '#fff':
return 0.75; // same as returning '#bfbfbf'
case '#2f88ff':
return 0.25; // same as returning '#404040'
// Output result
Advanced example
How to parse an entire icon set and check for errors?
This can be done using functions forEach() or forEachSync() of IconSet instance. Both functions are suitable, but because masks are applied synchronously, there is no reason to use async functions, so forEachSync() is a better choice.
See very long example for importing icon set from Figma for code.
In that example, convertSVGToMask() is used after all colors are parsed with parseColors(). If, when parsing colors, white or semi-transparent colors are found, convertSVGToMask() is called to convert icon to mask.