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Iconify for React function: disableCache

This tutorial is part of Iconify for React functions tutorial.

As of 2025, this function no longer works.

Component no longer uses browser storage for caching. This function still exists in some versions of component, but does not do anything. It will be removed in the next major version.

Function disableCache() disables caching in localStorage and sessionStorage.

When the component retrieves new icons from API, icon data is stored in browser storage. Cache makes rendering faster because component can retrieve icons from cache instead of sending an API query. Unlike API queries, cache is instant.

By default, localStorage is enabled, sessionStorage is disabled.


The function has the following parameter:

  • storage. Storage to disable.

Storage types

The first parameter can be one of the following:

  • "local" for localStorage.
  • "session" for sessionStorage.
  • "all" for both localStorage and sessionStorage.


jsimport { disableCache } from '@iconify/react';

// Disable caching in localStorage

Another example:

jsimport { disableCache } from '@iconify/react';

// Disable all caching


  • Enabling or disabling the cache will not affect icon data already stored in the cache. Icon data will always be loaded, regardless of setting. The setting affects only storing new icon data retrieved from API.
  • Setting affects only icon data loaded from the Iconify API. Icon data loaded with addIcon() or addCollection() is not cached.
  • When both localStorage and sessionStorage are enabled, icon data is cached only in localStorage.

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