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This function is part of Iconify Utils package.

Function wrapSVGContent() wraps icon body in custom code.

It is used by iconToSVG() to apply flip and rotation to icon, by buildParsedSVG() and convertParsedSVG() to move presentational attributes from <svg> element to a group element.


This function has the following parameters:

  • body, string. Icon content.
  • start, string. Start of wrapper, such as <g>.
  • end, string. End of wrapper, such as </g>.

This function extracts definitions from icon content, merges the rest of icon as "start + content + end", merges it with previously extracted definitions.


tsimport type { IconifyIcon } from '@iconify/types';
import { splitSVGDefs, mergeDefsAndContent, wrapSVGContent } from '@iconify/utils';

// Source icon, which contains definitions block
// This code works for icons without definitions block too, so no need to check if an icon actually has <defs>
const icon: IconifyIcon = {
   width: 128,
   height: 128,
   body: `<defs><path id="notoCrossMarkButton0" fill="#ABC884" d="M40.16 12.86c0-2.3-1.6-3-10.8-2.7c-7.7.3-11.5 1.2-13.8 4s-2.9 8.5-3 15.3c0 4.8 0 9.3 2.5 9.3c3.4 0 3.4-7.9 6.2-12.3c5.4-8.7 18.9-10.6 18.9-13.6z" opacity=".65"/></defs><path fill="#689F38" d="M116.46 3.96h-104c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v104c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h104c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-104c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8z"/><path fill="#7CB342" d="M110.16 3.96h-98.2a7.555 7.555 0 0 0-7.5 7.5v97.9c-.01 4.14 3.34 7.49 7.48 7.5h98.12c4.14.01 7.49-3.34 7.5-7.48V11.46c.09-4.05-3.13-7.41-7.18-7.5h-.22z"/><use href="#notoCrossMarkButton0" opacity=".65"/><path fill="#FBF9F9" d="M108.71 95.08L77.54 64.2l30.88-31.17c3.5-3.53 3.47-9.23-.06-12.73s-9.23-3.47-12.73.06L64.75 51.53L33.57 20.65c-3.53-3.5-9.23-3.47-12.73.06c-3.5 3.53-3.47 9.23.06 12.73l31.18 30.88L21.19 95.5c-3.5 3.53-3.47 9.23.06 12.73a8.95 8.95 0 0 0 6.33 2.61c2.32 0 4.63-.89 6.39-2.67l30.89-31.18l31.18 30.88a8.95 8.95 0 0 0 6.33 2.61c2.32 0 4.63-.89 6.39-2.67c3.51-3.53 3.48-9.23-.05-12.73z"/><use href="#notoCrossMarkButton0" opacity=".35"/>`

// Rotate by 90 degrees using splitSVGDefs() and mergeDefsAndContent()

// Extract defs
const defs = splitSVGDefs(icon.body);

 defs: '<path id="notoCrossMarkButton0" fill="#ABC884" d="M40.16 12.86c0-2.3-1.6-3-10.8-2.7c-7.7.3-11.5 1.2-13.8 4s-2.9 8.5-3 15.3c0 4.8 0 9.3 2.5 9.3c3.4 0 3.4-7.9 6.2-12.3c5.4-8.7 18.9-10.6 18.9-13.6z" opacity=".65"/>',
 content: '<path fill="#689F38" d="M116.46 3.96h-104c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v104c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h104c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-104c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8z"/><path fill="#7CB342" d="M110.16 3.96h-98.2a7.555 7.555 0 0 0-7.5 7.5v97.9c-.01 4.14 3.34 7.49 7.48 7.5h98.12c4.14.01 7.49-3.34 7.5-7.48V11.46c.09-4.05-3.13-7.41-7.18-7.5h-.22z"/><use href="#notoCrossMarkButton0" opacity=".65"/><path fill="#FBF9F9" d="M108.71 95.08L77.54 64.2l30.88-31.17c3.5-3.53 3.47-9.23-.06-12.73s-9.23-3.47-12.73.06L64.75 51.53L33.57 20.65c-3.53-3.5-9.23-3.47-12.73.06c-3.5 3.53-3.47 9.23.06 12.73l31.18 30.88L21.19 95.5c-3.5 3.53-3.47 9.23.06 12.73a8.95 8.95 0 0 0 6.33 2.61c2.32 0 4.63-.89 6.39-2.67l30.89-31.18l31.18 30.88a8.95 8.95 0 0 0 6.33 2.61c2.32 0 4.63-.89 6.39-2.67c3.51-3.53 3.48-9.23-.05-12.73z"/><use href="#notoCrossMarkButton0" opacity=".35"/>'

// Rotate icon by 90 degrees, relative to the middle of icon
const rotatedBody = `<g transform="rotate(90 64 64)">${defs.content}</g>`;

// Merge it
const mergedBody = mergeDefsAndContent(defs.defs, rotatedBody);

<defs><path id="notoCrossMarkButton0" fill="#ABC884" d="M40.16 12.86c0-2.3-1.6-3-10.8-2.7c-7.7.3-11.5 1.2-13.8 4s-2.9 8.5-3 15.3c0 4.8 0 9.3 2.5 9.3c3.4 0 3.4-7.9 6.2-12.3c5.4-8.7 18.9-10.6 18.9-13.6z" opacity=".65"/></defs><g transform="rotate(90 64 64)"><path fill="#689F38" d="M116.46 3.96h-104c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v104c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h104c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-104c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8z"/><path fill="#7CB342" d="M110.16 3.96h-98.2a7.555 7.555 0 0 0-7.5 7.5v97.9c-.01 4.14 3.34 7.49 7.48 7.5h98.12c4.14.01 7.49-3.34 7.5-7.48V11.46c.09-4.05-3.13-7.41-7.18-7.5h-.22z"/><use href="#notoCrossMarkButton0" opacity=".65"/><path fill="#FBF9F9" d="M108.71 95.08L77.54 64.2l30.88-31.17c3.5-3.53 3.47-9.23-.06-12.73s-9.23-3.47-12.73.06L64.75 51.53L33.57 20.65c-3.53-3.5-9.23-3.47-12.73.06c-3.5 3.53-3.47 9.23.06 12.73l31.18 30.88L21.19 95.5c-3.5 3.53-3.47 9.23.06 12.73a8.95 8.95 0 0 0 6.33 2.61c2.32 0 4.63-.89 6.39-2.67l30.89-31.18l31.18 30.88a8.95 8.95 0 0 0 6.33 2.61c2.32 0 4.63-.89 6.39-2.67c3.51-3.53 3.48-9.23-.05-12.73z"/><use href="#notoCrossMarkButton0" opacity=".35"/></g>

// Update icon
const newIcon1 = {
   body: mergedBody

// Rotate by 90 degrees using wrapSVGContent()
const newIcon2 = {
   body: wrapSVGContent(icon.body, '<g transform="rotate(90 64 64)">', '</g>')

// newIcon1 and newIcon2 are identical

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